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Displays and Data Recording - PLEX displays, data logging and data analysis products available from OBR

Dash displays and data logging from PLEX now availabe from OBR

PLEX SDM-700 Display Module & Data Logger


Model Description Price in USD
SDM-700 7" display with 1 Gb on-board logger memory 2695

PLEX SDM-700 Display Module & Data Logger

7” Pro-level Dash Display & Central Logger 
high precision | fully configurable | multi-functional

SDM-700 Display & Logger Module

SDM-700® is our flagship 7” Pro-level Dash Display & Central Logger that is suitable for the most demanding of usage cases.  Weighting less than 800g, it comes in a high quality, IP67 sealed, CNC aluminium enclosure and features an ultra-vivid, high-brightness anti-reflective TFT display.  Combines best-in-class display functionality and UI with full spectrum data logging and performance measurements, with built-in 50Hz GPS, 100Hz IMU and 1GB memory.


7'' High-Brighness TFT Display
Uncompromised quality with 1000cd daylight view 800×480 display.  ARC type broadband anti-reflective coating.  Easily viewable in all light & weather conditions.

Built-in 50Hz GPS Module
Up to  50Hz internal GPS module with ultra-fast start-up time (1-3 sec) enables accurate predictive lap-timing with section break down and raw data logging.

Smart Alarms / Warnings
22 pre-loaded Smart Alarms require that you only input the trigger value.  User defined alarms and alarm history (last 2000) also available.

IP67 Environment Protection
Fully sealed enclosure effectively protects device against dust and water

High Volume & Speed Datalogging
Log up to 500 data channels at 1000Hz.

QuickGlance™ UI
Proprietary UI design ensures optimal viewability and reduced driver distraction by optimising smart colour coding and contrast for the driver’s peripheral vision.

Up to 512 Data Channels
Display and log up to 512 different data channels, status/error flags from external sensors, connected devices and internal calculated values.

2 Fully Configurable CAN BUS Ports
Programmable CAN BUS ports for msg receive & transmit let you configure the display to communicate with any CAN Bus device.

Up to 16 Math Channels
Create up to 16 user-defined math channels allow custom parameters to be calculated in real-time.

High-speed USB Port
Ultra fast data log memory download and easy device configuration from the PC.

Serial Connectivity
2x RS232 ports, 1x LIN Bus port.

Automatic Page Changing
Hands-free display page changing based on user-defined conditions such as engine status and/or load to help you keep your attention focused.

Built-in 100Hz IMU Module
Accurate internal Inertia Measurement Unit provides acceleration and absolute orientation data which can be used for vehicle dynamics analysis.

Up to 48 Display Pages
Add up to 48 different display pages and choose among different predefined page layouts or create your own.

Fast 1GB Built-in Memory
Ultra-fast built-in memory allows extreme logging rates.

37pin Motorsport Connector
8 multi-purpose inputs (analog, digital, frequency), 4x switch inputs, 2x K-type thermocouple inputs, 8x high-speed and precision anaog inputs, 2 engine position VR/Hall inputs, 4x  aux outputs (HS/LS), multiple fixed & adjustable sensor power supplies.